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A little support
can change the lives!

"Goal to improve the lifestyle of downtrodden."

Winding Roads

“The Parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: and He knoweth all things”.

(Holy Quran, Al-Baqarah-261)

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The Ta'awun Trust was established in 1988 by a small group of concerned citizens who were deeply worried about the state of poverty, ignorance and poor health of large sections of society. They were also concerned about disharmony in the nation. The Ta'awun Trust was on the anvil during early 80s and formally registered in September 1988 in New Delhi under the Founder Chairmanship of a great philanthropist and academician Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Alam. The Trust was established for advancement of education in arts, sciences, including medical and health education, to promote and develop cottage industries and agriculture, to encourage higher and professional education and to extend financial and other help to vulnerable sections of society, especially those regularly affected by natural calamities like floods, famines, earthquakes, hurricanes, landslide, etc., and those who have often suffered from communal disharmony caste strife, sectarian violence as also to look after destitute, the
sick, orphans, the disabled, the aged etc.

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Food grains program for Poor and Needy peoples  by Taawun Trust.

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The Ta’awun Trust envisages a wide expansion of its relief and rehabilitation activities from the present coverage of about a dozen states to all of the 28 states and 8 Union Territories of India by 2025. It also plans to expand its educational activities of providing scholarships and academic guidance to skill development training for young men and women. The Trust wants to institutionalize its extensive experience in running primary health services to more focused work in this area by establishing permanent clinics and mobile clinics serving underserved slum areas of Delhi. It has also a plan in advanced stage for building a university on Delhi’s border for which land has been acquired as well as a blueprint produced with the help of experts in this field. 


The Ta'awun Trust aims to provide relief to, and rehabilitate, people affected by natural calamities and man made human disaster, arrange relief and rehabilitation during heavy winters, summers, (burning of huts) and heavy floods; promote education and building of educational institutions, provide financial help to students and provide kits during Ramadhan, Eidul-Fitr and Eidul-Adha to an ever wider group of people; provide financial support and guidance to deserving students to enable them to pursue a career and empower themselves; arrange relief against heavy winter cold by distributing thousands of blankets and take other necessary measures to protect the poor.

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Over the last three decades, with consistent relief and

rehabilitation work underway, we have been making a

qualitative difference in the lives of the less privileged.


Health care

Medical Health Care is also among the top priorities for the Trust, as the destitute and the marginalized families due to their financial problems

Since providing assistance in the field of education is one of our priority based projects, the Ta'awun Trust plans to expand its educational activities of providing

Flood Relief

Since 1998 Ta'awun Trust has been regularly helping victims affected by floods

Hands Holding Wooden Plate

Volunteers Required, Fill up a form 

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Message from the desk
of Founder Chairman

Dear Brothers and Sisters.
Greetings in the Name of the Almighty!
We are honoured to present this small brochure covering the big issues of relief and rehabilitation of poor and neglected. We have been addressing from India since 1998. It has been a long and arduous journey for us, but a very satisfying one, as we have been able to provide assistance where it is needed most. Ta'awun Trust, as you will read, has grown in its reach and impact and has retained focus on providing the following services:

  • Emergency Relief 

  • Self-Employment Relief

  • Educational 

  • Charity during Ramadan

  • Permanent Relief

  • Medical Relief                               


                                Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Alam


Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Alam

Our Reach....

On a rough estimate, we have reached over one lakh people during more than 20 years of our service to society. We have effected a subtle, but visible, change in the level of wellbeing, health and happiness in segments of society we have served.

Most of the relief has gone into addressing the immediate needs of the victims of natural and man-made calamities. However, our long-term work like building shelters and providing scholarships has had long-lasting effects. As our shelters have (after seasonal repairs by beneficiaries) endured for years, our scholarship program has brought stability and prosperity to many households run by successful men and women who got higher education with the support of our funds and got good jobs in government and private sector



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