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The Ta’awun Trust was established in 1988 by a small group of concerned citizens who were deeply worried about the state of poverty, ignorance and bad health of large sections of society. We were also concerned about disharmony in the nation. 


The Ta’awun Trust was on the anvil during early 80s and formally registered in September 1988 in New Delhi under the Founder Chairmanship of Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Alam. The Trust was established for advancement of education in arts, sciences, including medical and health education, to promote and develop cottage industries and agriculture, to encourage higher and professional education and to extend financial and other help to vulnerable sections of society, especially those regularly affected by natural calamities like floods, famines, earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, etc. and those who have often suffered from communal disharmony caste strifes, sectarian violence as also to look after destitutes, the sick, orphans, the disabled, the aged etc. 


It was established to provide both temporary and long-term support to people affected by natural calamities like flood and earth quake as well as to victims of manmade disasters like targeted mass violence against weaker groups, their displacement and destruction of habitat by building semi-permanent shelters for them and providing them with basics like blankets, food packets and medical help.


Besides such emergency measures it has been doing long-term help like scholarships to poor, deserving students pursuing higher studies. 

Over the years it has covered over a dozen states of India

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